What Does the PTA Fund?
As a public Montessori school, the NSM PTA provides funding (approximately $600 per child) that is in support of our magnet requirements, in addition to the programs and resources that our PTA members have voted on.
K-5 Classroom Support (60-90 minutes/day); Student Supervision/Safety (K-8)
Paraeducators provide invaluable support to all classrooms as teacher aides and enable us to embrace the Montessori Method of teaching.
Classroom Supplies
Teacher and Classroom Supplies including Montessori materials, fostering a dynamic and engaging learning environment for our students; Field Trip Grants; Playground equipment
Enrichment Opportunities
Assemblies, Literacy Events, Scholarships for After-School Enrichment, Earth Day, International Potluck, Greens and Grounds, Maker Faire (and other events), Parent Education Speakers, Dads' Club Events
School Materials
Library Materials, Staff and Supplies for Computer Lab, Stage Crew, Office and Technical Support, PE Materials, Principal’s Fund used to purchase sensory materials
Additional 6th-8th Grade Support
Camping, Materials, Graduation, Dance Party, Cross Country & Track
Other Direct Staff and Student Support
Counseling Services, Emergency Supplies, Discretionary Fund, Teacher Appreciation
PTA Administration
Insurance, Website, Taxes, Training, Supplies, Donations, Awards, General Fund
The best way to understand what our PTA funds is to attend general PTA meetings (also called Association meetings), which are held for all PTA members in August, November, January, March and May. Details can be found on our calendar.